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Preparing for the wedding: advice to newlyweds

Preparing for the wedding – a responsible and time-consuming process. It is important not to miss a lot of small details, take into account all the nuances and forget nothing. To simplify the task, you can turn to special agencies that are engaged in the preparation of the wedding – then you definitely do not have to worry about something going wrong. But if you are preparing for your wedding yourself, use our tips to not miss any details.

Wedding preparation: what to do first
For 5-6 months (or better still in advance):

Decide on the date of the wedding. This is an important question, the uncertainty in which can slow down the process of preparing for the wedding, and quite significantly. To help choose the wedding day will help tips astrologers.
If you want to get married on your wedding day – be sure to check on the wedding calendar in Orthodox churches whether it will be possible to hold a ceremony on this day.
A honeymoon trip is also better to plan ahead. Consult with travel agencies ahead of time, because most of the flights are sent on weekends, and passports and other documents are better prepared in advance.
Now is the time to search for companies and individuals providing wedding services. To facilitate the search, use the wedding catalog or simply announce a tender for the wedding. It is important to agree with everyone in advance, and not to search in an emergency mode – so you can not only save money, but also choose contractors to your liking.
Make a wedding budget, calculate the approximate costs. decide from which sources you will cover the costs.
Think about the guests whom you would like to invite to the wedding. The scale of the banquet and the budget of the wedding will depend on the number of guests.
Find a restaurant suitable for a banquet. If you are planning a hot wedding, it is important to do this in advance.
Take care of yourself. You should look your wedding day the best! For six months, you can achieve amazing results: sports, regular jogging, visiting beauty salons will make you irresistible.
Start your wedding accounting, start to maintain a table of expenses and income to take into account all the costs and understand the total amount of the wedding budget.
For 2-3 months:

Solve the issue with the registrar, file an application and set a date for painting. The main thing is not to forget passports and money.
If you decide to get married, just time to choose a temple and talk to the priest, set a wedding date and pay a deposit.
It’s time to think about the wedding dress and suit of the groom. Visit salons, shops, look on the Internet.
Choose wedding rings to taste and buy them in advance.
Finally make a list of guests, prepare the invitation.
Agree with witnesses and other “official wedding persons”
Participate in writing a buyout scenario. According to tradition, this is done by a witness, but no one forbids you to control the process.
Preparing for the wedding – and this day is getting closer …
1-2 months:

Choose a musical composition for your first dance. If you want to make a real show of it – go to the choreographer and take a few dance lessons.
find a hairdresser and make-up, choose a hairstyle for the wedding, decide on the make-up and plan the time to prepare the bride on the wedding day.
Plan your wedding night. Usually for this book a hotel room – it’s time to do it!
order a wedding cake and a loaf
Send wedding invitations to everyone or give them in person.
Think about decorating a wedding convoy with balls, ribbons, dolls, etc.
If you have not chosen a wedding dress and costume yet – you can’t postpone more, be sure to buy it!
Solve the issue of decorating the banquet room. You can contact the company that does it.
Well … the wedding is soon!
For 3 weeks:

You need to make sure all guests are invited to the wedding on time.
You need to meet with the master of ceremonies and discuss the plan for your celebration. Try not to lose sight of any little things.
Call again all those involved in the wedding: a photographer, videographer, agency, etc., coordinate the actions, if necessary, meet with them and discuss all the points.
It’s time to order a wedding bouquet and boutonniere.
Take care of accessories: jewelry, shoes and other small things – just the time to buy them.
Once again, make sure that the banquet is all right, if necessary, buy alcohol, drinks. Pay for the cake and loaf.
If you have wishes for gifts, it’s time to make a list of them and inform the guests that they have time to buy them.
Make a route walk with a photographer and videographer, choose beautiful places for photo and video.
Phoned your friends and decide how and where you will celebrate the end of bachelor life, the bachelor party and hen party nowadays is very popular and forget about fireworks and fireworks on your wedding day.
Make a plan for your wedding day, what and when you need to do from morning to evening.
If you will celebrate the second day of the wedding, decide on the scenario and events.
When there are only a few days left before the wedding: