Obligations of the witnesses at the wedding
Witnesses, or, in the old way, buddies are the second most important couple at the…

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Choosing the perfect spring bridal bouquet
Spring brings a lot of inspiration. Everything revives around, nature pleases with floral variety. It's…


Brides mistakes: TOP-8
It is impossible to avoid mistakes during preparation. But to minimize their number is quite…

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Budget Wedding: Our Recommendations
Planning a wedding is an exciting, but stressful process. And often the main culprit of…

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compatibility with the chosen

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What you need to know about the wedding organizer?

Your wedding planner knows everything about your wedding. And what do you need to know about the wedding organizer, so that your cooperation is harmonious and comfortable? We will tell in our article.

Understanding is also important to him
We have talked about this many times, and we will also say that you should be comfortable in communication and working with the organizer. Finding someone who is not afraid to trust your wedding is really important! Continue reading

Fitted style

Today we have selected some simple exercises for you, which will help to correct the figure in accordance with the style of your dress. Follow them as far as possible, gradually increasing the load.

Fitted style
Lying on your back, bend your legs at a right angle, hands behind your head. Raise your head and shoulders above the rug. Fix this position for a few seconds and return to the starting position. Continue reading

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What may not please guests at the wedding, and how to avoid it?
Wedding on weekdays. While for newlyweds, this is a way to save money and find…


What may not please guests at the wedding, and how to avoid it?
Wedding on weekdays. While for newlyweds, this is a way to save money and find…
