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Obligations of the witnesses at the wedding

Witnesses, or, in the old way, buddies are the second most important couple at the wedding after the bride and groom. Usually, a close friend of the groom, a young unmarried boyfriend, acts as a witness, and the unmarried girlfriend of the bride acts as a witness. Witnesses are assigned very important roles at the wedding. In the redemption, the witness “sells” the bride, and the witness helps the groom conduct the “auction” with the least “loss”.

Witnesses take part in contests and quizzes, act as chief assistants to the toastmaster, monitor the groom’s suit and bridal dress and the appearance of the young, he also sometimes cheers the guests to shout “Bitter witness and witness!”

The witness is the steward of the wedding. He must follow the organizational part, do not forget about all small things. Another important area of ​​responsibility for the witness is order at the wedding. He should be able to smooth out conflict situations, translate any barb as a joke, make funny toasts and wishes. The same witness is watching the bride’s shoe and the bride herself. True, the witness is far from always able to keep track of all this, but, on the other hand, what kind of wedding is it that did not steal the bride or at least the shoe? And often the witnesses themselves allow to “steal” these treasures. Accordingly, when choosing a witness, one should pay attention to his sense of humor, organizational skills, stress resistance. Of course, the witness is strictly forbidden to abuse alcohol at the wedding – and this also needs to be taken into account.

If the bride at the wedding is a princess, then the witness is her maid of honor. She monitors the bride’s dress, hair and makeup. Her main duty is for the bride to sparkle with beauty and flawless appearance. Therefore, the role of the witness and usually pick up the girls attentive and responsible, related to the bride friendship.

What you need to prepare witnesses before the wedding
If you were invited to the wedding as a witness or witness, be sure to stock up with original wedding toasts and greetings. It will not be superfluous to have in mind a couple of topical jokes. Update your knowledge of drinking songs and prepare just in case a collection of wedding music. If you have to be a witness, it is worth making a buy-out scenario.

And remember that you have a lot of responsibilities at a wedding. Perhaps more than rights, so go to the event responsibly. Of course, you have to have fun and take a walk, but along with the fun you will also have a job, and a very important one.

Witness is following the bridesmaid dress

Duties of the witness.
– The witness organizes a hen night. Of course, she does this together with the bride, but here her role is still more important, since she automatically becomes the most important friend of the bride.

– Sweetheart helps to choose a wedding dress, jewelry and other little things

– On the wedding day, the witness is obliged to be at the bride’s house before anyone else, and on the eve or from the very early morning to dress up and decorate the bride’s room

– The witness helps the bride to dress up in a wedding dress

– The dress of the wedding procession is also the area of ​​responsibility of the bride, as well as the banquet hall – even if everything is ordered, the witness must make sure that everything is perfect.

– Rite of ransom is entirely on the conscience of the witness. She “sells” the bride, mocking at the same time and the groom, and especially the witness. To prepare for redemption should be very careful.

“The witness is also a flower girl.” She accepts bouquets, which, when congratulating you with abundance, are presented to the bride, and, if there are too many flowers even for two, she organizes a large vase or a simple bucket for bouquets.

– The witness is near the bride all the time and should not leave her. It monitors its appearance, the state of the dress, shoes, hairstyles, manicure, etc.

Duties of the witness.
– Like the witness, the witness organizes a bachelor party on the eve of the wedding. He also automatically becomes the main friend of the groom.

– Comes to the groom early in the morning on the wedding day (or even spend the night at his house, because, as a rule, preparations are made the day before are delayed in the deep night). Helps the groom get dressed, get ready for the upcoming wedding.

– Buys a bouquet of flowers for the witness and other trifles needed at the wedding: champagne, sweets, etc.

– In the redemption of the bride, the task of the witness is to create with the bridegroom an effective military alliance and together successfully stand against one witness. Accordingly, the witness takes the most active part in the ransom and should have in it just in case champagne, sweets, souvenirs, alcohol, and finally money.

– All the time he is next to the young, watching him and the bride – in this case he is a security guard and if they steal the bride or shoe, then the blame falls to the witness and he has to answer.

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