10 myths about winter weddings
Do you still think that winter is not the most suitable season for a wedding?…

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Wedding before the New Year: how to share these holidays?
NON-CONVERSION OF NEW YEAR THEMES IN DECOR A wedding is a unique holiday, it is…


First Wedding Anniversary - Printed Wedding
A calico wedding is the celebration of the first year of marriage for the newlyweds.…

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10 pre-wedding unrest, which should be forgotten
1. EXPERIENCES ABOUT EXTERNAL IMPLEMENTATION Firstly, the emergency help of a beautician will not come…

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the initial score

Wedding video footage: how to choose the format of a wedding film

Wedding is the only and unique holiday in the life of each of us. And the desire to preserve the memory of this day for life is more than natural. Therefore, it is not surprising that at almost every wedding there is a person with a camera. He created the wedding video for many years keeps the memory of an unforgettable wedding day. Continue reading

Wedding Ring Secrets

The most important attribute of marriage is the wedding ring. Without wedding rings wedding does not happen. In fact, the wedding requires the observance of two conditions: the presence of the spouses themselves, i.e. the bride and groom, and the presence of wedding rings. You can do without a wedding dress, without a veil, without a wedding bouquet, without witnesses, guests, banquet, wedding and all other attributes of the wedding. But, putting the ring on the hand of the second half, loving hearts perform the most intimate wedding ritual. Wedding rings bind two destinies firmly and for a long time, ideally – until death. Continue reading

Wedding etiquette: the main rules
When planning your holiday, do not forget about the basic rules of wedding etiquette. How…


Preparing for the wedding: advice to newlyweds
Preparing for the wedding - a responsible and time-consuming process. It is important not to…
