Wedding preparation: what needs to be done right at the beginning?
Before you make the final decision on choosing the site, the wedding team and the…

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Spring Bride: 10 rules for creating the perfect image
On her wedding day, every girl dreams of being the most beautiful and unique! How…


Scenario marine wedding.
Where can be more romance than in the sea? Is that in the sky, and…

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Spring Bride: 10 rules for creating the perfect image
On her wedding day, every girl dreams of being the most beautiful and unique! How…

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life will begin with harmony

How does preparing for the wedding prepare you for marriage?

For a couple and her feelings, organizing a wedding is a real test of strength. But this is only one of the first steps on your life journey together. What can he teach – find out in this article.

You have always dreamed of a magnificent wedding for a hundred people so that the banquet would take place on the castle grounds and last for at least two days. And your future husband imagined a quiet ceremony just for the two of you somewhere on the islands. After such statements, both of you will think: “Can we ever get married at all?” And … learn to look for a compromise. Continue reading

Wedding preparation: what needs to be done right at the beginning?
Before you make the final decision on choosing the site, the wedding team and the…


The Sacrament of the Wedding
The wedding is the sacrament of the Church, in which God gives future spouses, while…
