The Sacrament of the Wedding
The wedding is the sacrament of the Church, in which God gives future spouses, while…

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6 important facts about the honeymoon
Every bride wants to rest after the wedding, enjoying a holiday with her beloved. In…


First Wedding Anniversary - Printed Wedding
A calico wedding is the celebration of the first year of marriage for the newlyweds.…

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What you need to know about the wedding organizer?
Your wedding planner knows everything about your wedding. And what do you need to know…

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take a few dance

The most common mistakes at the wedding

In preparation for the wedding, many brides make similar mistakes. In order to avoid them, we described the most common mistakes at a wedding and suggested to you how to avoid them.

The most common mistakes at the wedding
Problem: This may seem strange, but make a list in advance of all the tasks that you need to manage in order to organize a wedding and note in it everything that has already been done. Continue reading

The Sacrament of the Wedding

The wedding is the sacrament of the Church, in which God gives future spouses, while promising to be faithful to each other, the grace of pure unanimity for a joint Christian life, birth and upbringing of children.

Those who wish to be married must be believers of baptized Orthodox Christians. They should be deeply aware that the unauthorized dissolution of a marriage approved by God, as well as the violation of the pledge of allegiance, is an unconditional sin. Continue reading

Obligations of the witnesses at the wedding

Witnesses, or, in the old way, buddies are the second most important couple at the wedding after the bride and groom. Usually, a close friend of the groom, a young unmarried boyfriend, acts as a witness, and the unmarried girlfriend of the bride acts as a witness. Witnesses are assigned very important roles at the wedding. In the redemption, the witness “sells” the bride, and the witness helps the groom conduct the “auction” with the least “loss”. Continue reading

What you need to know about the wedding organizer?
Your wedding planner knows everything about your wedding. And what do you need to know…


Accessories in the bride's dress
Accessories are various worthy additions-decorations to the main dress: handbag, gloves, bijouterie and so on.…
