Winter Wedding: 20 quick tips for couples
Appearance 1. DO NOT SAVE ON ACCESSORIES In order not to freeze during a photo…

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Accessories in the bride's dress
Accessories are various worthy additions-decorations to the main dress: handbag, gloves, bijouterie and so on.…


Fitted style
Today we have selected some simple exercises for you, which will help to correct the…

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Brides mistakes: TOP-8
It is impossible to avoid mistakes during preparation. But to minimize their number is quite…

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take communion of the Holy Mysteries

Choosing a men’s suit for the groom

There are special requirements for a men’s suit, although they are somewhat more modest than for a bride’s dress, but it is also important here that on a solemn day the beauty of the groom does not let us down.

Let’s talk about jackets. There are four main styles of this type of clothing. Continue reading

The Sacrament of the Wedding

The wedding is the sacrament of the Church, in which God gives future spouses, while promising to be faithful to each other, the grace of pure unanimity for a joint Christian life, birth and upbringing of children.

Those who wish to be married must be believers of baptized Orthodox Christians. They should be deeply aware that the unauthorized dissolution of a marriage approved by God, as well as the violation of the pledge of allegiance, is an unconditional sin. Continue reading

Beauty Secrets for the Winter Bride
It is important to properly prepare the skin for the cold. In winter, it is…


Scenario marine wedding.
Where can be more romance than in the sea? Is that in the sky, and…
