Wedding Ring Secrets
The most important attribute of marriage is the wedding ring. Without wedding rings wedding does…

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TRADITIONS AND ENTERTAINMENT PublishedFebruary 4 Bachelorette Party: The Complete Guide
How to organize the perfect bachelorette party that your friends will remember only with positive…


What may not please guests at the wedding, and how to avoid it?
Wedding on weekdays. While for newlyweds, this is a way to save money and find…

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Preparing for the wedding: advice to newlyweds
Preparing for the wedding - a responsible and time-consuming process. It is important not to…

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Wedding: what not to publish in social networks?

In the era of social networks, many brides share online all the details of the preparation. But there are several types of posts that are best avoided.

Absolutely all the details of the wedding
Not all your friends from social networks will attend the wedding. Of course, it will be interesting for them to see photos from your holiday, but in moderation. Do not turn wedding posts into spam, which litters someone else’s news feed. If you want to share each photo from the wedding, make them available only to a certain circle of people who are eager to learn all the details.

Negative posts
It is better to leave all the negative details of the wedding and its preparation with you. Experiences, problems, conflicts and other stressful situations – these moments are too personal to show them off. Share only those that will be pleasant to remember the most, and do not give others a reason for gossip.


No matter how amazing the wedding gift is, you don’t need to talk about it in social networks. At the sight of such posts, other guests might think that their gifts were not good enough for you. Hundreds of likes are not worth it to hurt their friends and relatives.

Instead, publish the post with gratitude to everyone who was there on the wedding day, and send guests a greeting card with warm words. You probably have something to say to each of them personally, without prying eyes.

Wedding cost
No need to tell everyone how much your wedding cost. Posts about space sums that you spent on contractors, dress or cake, will look like boasting. And what would guests like to know that you had to work seven days a week to pay for the presence of each of them at the wedding? Money matters are always sensitive, so it’s best to discuss them only with your family.

The wedding did not take place
Breakup of relationships, cancellation of a wedding is a very personal and difficult situation that only a close circle of relatives and friends should know about. After telling in social networks that your engagement was canceled, you only give people a reason to discuss your problems. In such an already stressful situation, other people’s gossip and questions will be clearly superfluous, so trust your emotions and experiences only to those who really support you.

Wedding: what not to publish in social networks?
In the era of social networks, many brides share online all the details of the…


Wedding before the New Year: how to share these holidays?
NON-CONVERSION OF NEW YEAR THEMES IN DECOR A wedding is a unique holiday, it is…
