How does preparing for the wedding prepare you for marriage?
For a couple and her feelings, organizing a wedding is a real test of strength.…

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Wedding preparation: what needs to be done right at the beginning?
Before you make the final decision on choosing the site, the wedding team and the…


10 myths about winter weddings
Do you still think that winter is not the most suitable season for a wedding?…

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Spring Bride: 10 rules for creating the perfect image
On her wedding day, every girl dreams of being the most beautiful and unique! How…

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its preparation with you

Wedding: what not to publish in social networks?

In the era of social networks, many brides share online all the details of the preparation. But there are several types of posts that are best avoided.

Absolutely all the details of the wedding
Not all your friends from social networks will attend the wedding. Of course, it will be interesting for them to see photos from your holiday, but in moderation. Do not turn wedding posts into spam, which litters someone else’s news feed. If you want to share each photo from the wedding, make them available only to a certain circle of people who are eager to learn all the details. Continue reading

6 ways to once again confess your love on your wedding day
Wedding day is an excellent opportunity to remember once again how much you value each…


6 ways to once again confess your love on your wedding day
Wedding day is an excellent opportunity to remember once again how much you value each…
