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Budget Wedding: Our Recommendations

Planning a wedding is an exciting, but stressful process. And often the main culprit of stress becomes the budget. How to organize a wedding without taking a loan for 10 years – read our article!Budget Wedding: Our Recommendations
Make a budget
And be sure to stick with it. One of the main mistakes of any pair is to start planning without setting clear financial boundaries. While the exact figure is the basis for the construction of wedding plans and the starting point for determining important points.

From now on, lists are your main friends and colleagues, because they will have to be made not only when calculating expenses, but also when solving any organizational issues. Even having a phenomenal memory, without lists, you risk losing out on anything important that later affects your budget.


For budget planning, you can use a notebook and pen, a spreadsheet in excel or an online program for calculating family funds. All of them have their pros and cons, so choose what is convenient for you.

It is very easy to get carried away with the choice of pattern on napkins, but first it is important to decide – without which your wedding is impossible, which is the main thing for both of you. Whether it is a luxurious restaurant, an unusual menu or a killer-cool rock band is not important. The main thing is to determine what really deserves big expenses, and what can be saved on without prejudice to the celebration.

Choose local suppliers to avoid additional shipping and logistics costs.

Even if the imagination of your childhood is a ten-story cake, a dress from a famous fashion designer and guests driving a carriage to the castle. If, in fact, you cannot afford this, you should not go crazy and torture your lover.

But saving does not mean that you need to completely forget about the dream wedding. Just evaluate your capabilities soberly. And remember that the main thing on the wedding day is the creation of your family, and not some trifles in the decor.

Work with your hands
The organization of a budget wedding is the best time for the revival of long-forgotten talents. You will be surprised how many decorative elements you can make yourself and how many uses you can find for ordinary things: jars, candles, cans with silver paint, etc.

In addition, the yard is the age of high technology. E-cards instead of wedding invitations – an extraordinary, modern, and most importantly – a budget idea. Not to mention the fact that many elements of printing can be made with your own hands. Of course, if you like doing it.


Properly make a guest list
Be attentive to this issue, limit yourself to the closest. At any wedding there is no place for strangers. This guarantees you a pleasant atmosphere during the holiday and will significantly reduce the cost of dinner, rental sites and compliments.


As a platform for a cozy family celebration is ideal for a country private house where you can hold a ceremony and a banquet.
Say no …
… some cute, but unnecessary additions that are often at weddings. Small cakes to the cake, canapés, vases with fresh flowers on each table – all this is charming, but it quickly exhausts the budget.

A budget wedding is both happiness and additional stress. Especially when the budget is very limited. Make sure that you and your loved one spend a lot of time with each other and decide everything together. In this – the key to success. Preserving relationships and calm both – these are the main priorities that are more expensive than any wedding plans.

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