Three main advantages for the wedding in the spring
Spring for some reason is not considered popular at times for organizing a wedding in…

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Choosing the perfect spring bridal bouquet
Spring brings a lot of inspiration. Everything revives around, nature pleases with floral variety. It's…


12 additional wedding preparation tips
1. GET RID OF REFLECTIVE FACTORS Ask guests to turn off the sound of mobile…

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Brides mistakes: TOP-8
It is impossible to avoid mistakes during preparation. But to minimize their number is quite…

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case must be multifunctional

Relationship with the groom’s mom during wedding preparations

How to build a relationship with a future mother-in-law and how to involve her in preparing for the wedding? These questions are relevant for many brides, and in our article we have collected a few life hacks that will help you solve them.

Relationship with the groom’s mom during wedding preparations

Wedding decor: how to hide the shortcomings of the site?

What if you like the wedding venue, but its interior has some drawbacks? Here are some tricks to help hide them.

This is usually a plus for a wedding venue, but if you have a chamber wedding for a small number of guests, this can really be a problem. A good way out is to create indoor space with the help of lighting and draperies. Decorate the wall at the table of the newlyweds or highlight it with flowers – it will focus the attention of guests and make the atmosphere more comfortable. Continue reading

9 ways to make your wedding perfect
The long months of preparation are coming to an end, and in front of you…


Winter Wedding: 10 cozy ideas in decor
1. TEXTILE Lace, yarn, fur and velvet are great for winter wedding. They can be…
