Wedding Decor: The Complete Guide
The original wedding decor is the result of the coordinated work of the contractor and…

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10 things you should not do at a wedding
In order not to spoil such a long-awaited wedding day and leave only pleasant memories…


The Sacrament of the Wedding
The wedding is the sacrament of the Church, in which God gives future spouses, while…

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Wedding Ring Secrets
The most important attribute of marriage is the wedding ring. Without wedding rings wedding does…

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honeymoon you will hold hands

6 important facts about the honeymoon

Every bride wants to rest after the wedding, enjoying a holiday with her beloved. In order for the honeymoon to pass at a height, remember these 6 points.

To plan the upcoming vacation will take several months: determine the budget, select a destination, study all the offers, find convenient flights and book a hotel room. Continue reading

12 additional wedding preparation tips
1. GET RID OF REFLECTIVE FACTORS Ask guests to turn off the sound of mobile…


Wedding before the New Year: how to share these holidays?
NON-CONVERSION OF NEW YEAR THEMES IN DECOR A wedding is a unique holiday, it is…
