ceremony begins
Wedding preparation: what needs to be done right at the beginning?
Before you make the final decision on choosing the site, the wedding team and the concept of celebration, complete the tasks from our list.
Before you find the wedding team …
Decide what services you need. If you are planning a chamber celebration in the circle of the most beloved ones and will be happy to take care of the development of the style and program of the holiday, use the services of a wedding coordinator on the day of the celebration, which will control timing and help to solve organizational issues. Continue reading
What may not please guests at the wedding, and how to avoid it?
Wedding on weekdays. While for newlyweds, this is a way to save money and find free contractors, for guests it’s a need to take time off and go to work the next day. Therefore, this option is suitable only for a chamber wedding, and it will be necessary to warn guests as soon as possible. But if the guest list has passed for 50, it is better to hold a wedding on the traditional Saturday – otherwise you risk getting a lot of failures from your friends.
Too hot / cold. Continue reading