Spring Bride: 10 rules for creating the perfect image
On her wedding day, every girl dreams of being the most beautiful and unique! How…

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What may not please guests at the wedding, and how to avoid it?
Wedding on weekdays. While for newlyweds, this is a way to save money and find…


Spring Bride: 10 rules for creating the perfect image
On her wedding day, every girl dreams of being the most beautiful and unique! How…

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12 additional wedding preparation tips
1. GET RID OF REFLECTIVE FACTORS Ask guests to turn off the sound of mobile…

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entering into marriage prepare

The Sacrament of the Wedding

The wedding is the sacrament of the Church, in which God gives future spouses, while promising to be faithful to each other, the grace of pure unanimity for a joint Christian life, birth and upbringing of children.

Those who wish to be married must be believers of baptized Orthodox Christians. They should be deeply aware that the unauthorized dissolution of a marriage approved by God, as well as the violation of the pledge of allegiance, is an unconditional sin. Continue reading

Wedding vows: 9 frequent couples mistakes
1. IMPROVISION Many couples are sure that there is no need to prepare oaths in…


Brides mistakes: TOP-8
It is impossible to avoid mistakes during preparation. But to minimize their number is quite…
