The most common mistakes at the wedding
In preparation for the wedding, many brides make similar mistakes. In order to avoid them,…

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Winter Wedding: 20 quick tips for couples
Appearance 1. DO NOT SAVE ON ACCESSORIES In order not to freeze during a photo…


6 nightmares of each bride
The closer the wedding day, the more nightmares you suffer? This article will not get…

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What may not please guests at the wedding, and how to avoid it?
Wedding on weekdays. While for newlyweds, this is a way to save money and find…

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Blue ray disc

How to spend a honeymoon

Honey call the first month of married life. The honeymoon is due to its name due to the old Russian tradition, according to which a mead was specially brewed for the bride and groom. Her young were supposed to drink not only at the wedding, but a month after her. Moreover, other laughing drinks were not allowed during this period.

Honeymoon is not only the sweetest period in the life of a young married couple, but also the first test of a joint life. Traditionally, the honeymoon is a time when young people should be together inseparably. Continue reading

Wedding video footage: how to choose the format of a wedding film

Wedding is the only and unique holiday in the life of each of us. And the desire to preserve the memory of this day for life is more than natural. Therefore, it is not surprising that at almost every wedding there is a person with a camera. He created the wedding video for many years keeps the memory of an unforgettable wedding day. Continue reading

9 ways to make your wedding perfect
The long months of preparation are coming to an end, and in front of you…


Wedding location: additional expenses
Did you find the perfect wedding venue, and the amount of the rent suits you…
