What you need to know about the wedding organizer?
Your wedding planner knows everything about your wedding. And what do you need to know…

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Wedding Decor: The Complete Guide
The original wedding decor is the result of the coordinated work of the contractor and…


How to spend a honeymoon
Honey call the first month of married life. The honeymoon is due to its name…

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Wedding preparation: what needs to be done right at the beginning?
Before you make the final decision on choosing the site, the wedding team and the…

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honeymoon on your

How to spend a honeymoon

Honey call the first month of married life. The honeymoon is due to its name due to the old Russian tradition, according to which a mead was specially brewed for the bride and groom. Her young were supposed to drink not only at the wedding, but a month after her. Moreover, other laughing drinks were not allowed during this period.

Honeymoon is not only the sweetest period in the life of a young married couple, but also the first test of a joint life. Traditionally, the honeymoon is a time when young people should be together inseparably. Continue reading

Brides mistakes: TOP-8
It is impossible to avoid mistakes during preparation. But to minimize their number is quite…


Scenario marine wedding.
Where can be more romance than in the sea? Is that in the sky, and…
