Wedding location: additional expenses
Did you find the perfect wedding venue, and the amount of the rent suits you…

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The most common mistakes at the wedding
In preparation for the wedding, many brides make similar mistakes. In order to avoid them,…


Scenario marine wedding.
Where can be more romance than in the sea? Is that in the sky, and…

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10 things you should not do at a wedding
In order not to spoil such a long-awaited wedding day and leave only pleasant memories…

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surprised how simple

6 ways not to go crazy while preparing

When the nerves are at the limit, nothing happens, and so much has not been done, the preparation begins to drive you crazy. Find out how not to succumb to stress and turn pre-wedding efforts into a pleasant experience.

We reduce the significance
If you understand that pre-wedding efforts are starting to drive you crazy, the first thing to do is to reduce the significance of the issue. After all, a wedding is a celebration of your love, not an exam where your organizational skills will be evaluated. Continue reading

What should be done BEFORE buying a wedding dress?
The search for the “same” dress is an event that the bride is looking forward…


9 ways to make your wedding perfect
The long months of preparation are coming to an end, and in front of you…
