Wedding: what not to publish in social networks?
In the era of social networks, many brides share online all the details of the preparation. But there are several types of posts that are best avoided.
Absolutely all the details of the wedding
Not all your friends from social networks will attend the wedding. Of course, it will be interesting for them to see photos from your holiday, but in moderation. Do not turn wedding posts into spam, which litters someone else’s news feed. If you want to share each photo from the wedding, make them available only to a certain circle of people who are eager to learn all the details. Continue reading
9 ways to make your wedding perfect
The long months of preparation are coming to an end, and in front of you are waiting for several hours of an unforgettable holiday, which you want to enjoy to the full. How to make the wedding go perfectly? Learn from our article.
Despite the fact that you made almost perfect wedding timing, are you still a little late for the start of registration? Do not blame yourself for such minor flaws, because very soon you will not remember them. Continue reading
6 important facts about the honeymoon
Every bride wants to rest after the wedding, enjoying a holiday with her beloved. In order for the honeymoon to pass at a height, remember these 6 points.
To plan the upcoming vacation will take several months: determine the budget, select a destination, study all the offers, find convenient flights and book a hotel room. Continue reading
6 ways not to go crazy while preparing
When the nerves are at the limit, nothing happens, and so much has not been done, the preparation begins to drive you crazy. Find out how not to succumb to stress and turn pre-wedding efforts into a pleasant experience.
We reduce the significance
If you understand that pre-wedding efforts are starting to drive you crazy, the first thing to do is to reduce the significance of the issue. After all, a wedding is a celebration of your love, not an exam where your organizational skills will be evaluated. Continue reading
TRADITIONS AND ENTERTAINMENT PublishedFebruary 4 Bachelorette Party: The Complete Guide
How to organize the perfect bachelorette party that your friends will remember only with positive emotions and magical atmosphere? Take advantage of our guidance!
At the bachelorette party is to call only those friends who will be at your wedding. Usually, only bridesmaids are present at the bachelorette party, but if you wish, you can invite relatives or work colleagues. It is better that your guests are already familiar with each other, so the situation at the bachelorette party will be easier and more relaxed. Continue reading